
Bizarre Love Triangle / Frente

Every time i think of you

I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue

It's no problem of mine but it's a problem i find

Living a life that i can't leave behind

There's no sense in telling me

The wisdom of a fool won't set you free

But that's the way that it goes

And it's what nobody knows

And every day my confusion grows

Every time i see you falling

I get down on my knees and pray

I'm waiting for that final moment

You'll say the words that i can't say

I feel fine and i feel good

I feel like i never should

Whenever i get this way, i just don't know what to say

Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday

I'm not sure what this could mean

I don't think you're what you seem

I do admit to myself

That if i hurt someone else

Then we'd never see just what we're meant to be

Every time i see you falling

I get down on my knees and pray

I'm waiting for that final moment

You'll say the words that i can't say

Every time i see you falling

I get down on my knees and pray

I'm waiting for that final moment

You'll say the words that i can't say

(原唱者則是New Order新秩序合唱團)

  frente! (佛朗迪合唱團) 成立於1991年。由三男一女組成的澳洲民謠樂團。女主唱 Angie Hart清新甜美的嗓音極富韻味美感。

  她是FRENTE的女主音。FRENTE最出名的歌曲是"BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE",原唱是NEW ORDER。FRENTE作了一個翻唱的版本,也是電影Threesome的主題曲。FRENTE曾為"The beautiful south"和"The crowded house"作過暖場演出,同時也有兩張專輯95年的"Marvin the album"和96年的"SHAPE"。

  Angie Hart住在墨爾本的近郊,在高中畢業後籌了一筆錢與朋友一起去了與墨爾本隔海相望的印度洋島嶼----聖誕島度假,在那兒遇到了彈著GUITAR的Simon Austin,喜愛唱歌的ANGIE就要求SIMON為她伴奏,SIMON答應了,並叫上了朋友,後來擔任FRENTE鼓手的Alistair Bardon ,擔任打擊樂部分,結果一曲終了,卻引來了人們的駐足聆聽。後來,他們三人成立了FRENTE樂隊,並找來了SIMON在墨爾本大學的朋友Tim O'connor作為樂隊的BASS手,FRENTE就正式成形了。



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